Why Weight Loss is Not Easy- PART 2

Knowing the impact of the foods you eat is very important. In part 2 we will look at food quality and food preparation in relation to weight loss. Go back to part 1 to read the mechanism of weight loss, goal setting, diet types and why portioning is a universal diet practice that works.

Food Quality

It used to be thought that a calorie is a calorie and it didn't matter if you ate 400 calories from a greasy spoon or fresh from the market. The most popular weight loss program in the world was based on the idea a calorie is a calorie and during your meetings it was okay to say you ate junk food as long as the calories were low. It seems to just be common sense that a healthy food is better for you but society can mess with that. food quality weight loss portion control meal prep healthy meals I stopped by a heritage site operating grist mill and they had this beaten up wooden box system for sorting the flour as it came off the stone. There were at least 8 chambers, with the top ones being rough whole wheat and the bottom being very fine white flour. In its day the white highly processed flour was expensive and mostly for the rich and the chefs of the day came up with very delicious recipes which we have culturally passed down as high quality meals and desserts. But we now know these rich foods are not good for you at all (actually most people wouldn't find it tasted good any more, our tastes have changed too much). Studies have shown for a while that quality (low vs high) is very important and we need to not just rely on calories in determining what foods are good for weight loss. The difference is pretty straight forward. Low quality is higher processed things like snack food, chips, white sugar, fried meats, foods high in fat, highly refined grains. High quality is unrefined and minimally processed things like whole fruits and veg, whole grains, healthy fats (for example a good olive oil) and healthy protein (less processed). Why Weight Loss is Not Easy- PART 2 Very large and very long studies have shown which foods are associated with weight gain and weight loss. Weight gain is associated with potato chips, potatoes, sugar-sweetened beverages, and both processed and unprocessed red meats. Weight loss is associated with vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and yogurt. The biggest problem for most people is that what was once considered healthy 'Red meat and potatoes' is now shown to hurt them if they continue to eat them in same volume. How many restaurants have some comfort classic like a steak and baked potato, people like it and culturally we are not moving away from that anytime soon. So moderation is definitely needed, a little once in awhile is fine - every day, not so much.

Food Preparation

How much your body has to process a food makes a big difference in the calories that end up being available in your system. An interesting study looked at the simple act of chewing but in an extreme fashion. Without cooking anything the amount of chewing a 2000 calorie diet of some meat and tubers left whole (ripped apart by biting) was looked at. Raw meat was impossible to swallow no matter how much chewing happened because you could not get the size small enough with human teeth. Tubers and roots were possible but with a massive amount of chewing, about 11 hour's worth. They then cut the meat into small pieces and pounded the roots and tubers into a paste people then needed 20% less time to chew the raw food, so the energy of just chewing is reduced each time you process food making more net calories available. Extending that into today's diet we don't need to chew much at all for highly processed meals which makes close to all the calories from the food available. portioning, weight loss, healthy meals, healthy diet, diet delivery, high quality foods What happens in digestion is also highly influenced by processing - specifically cooking. Raw starches in things like wheat and potatoes are tightly packed sugar molecules. Eaten raw your stomach enzymes can't access all of the sugar molecules and large amounts pass through your system undigested so the calories are not accessible. Cooking loosens them and then the sugar molecules can be digested and those calories accessible. So you can see here how the more cooked and processed the more the calories from a meal are available as energy in your body. But this is not how nutrition facts works where you get a calorie count that is the same for raw, moderately processed and heavily processed products which we just saw are not the same at all. Why Weight Loss is Not Easy- PART 2


Our plans are much more than weight loss, we have incorporated the best science to deliver to our customers the healthiest meals prepared to a very high standard and excellent taste. Our meals will help people be healthy and attain their goals through a solid understanding of the most effective diets, strict portion control, high quality ingredients and properly prepared meals. Please see our menus where we put theory into delicious practice.

Why Weight Loss is Not Easy- PART 1

It would seem to be a very simple thing to lose weight. DECREASE calories eaten + INCREASE calories burned = WEIGHT LOSS. In large part this is true, eat less and exercise more and you will lose weight.  This is a very mechanical explanation of how a human body works and if we were a furnace this would be true all the time. Fortunately we are more than just a mechanical body. We are a whole person - living organisms that have different individual food requirements and preferences that are made up of our genetic heritage, our community and our society. Looking at all of these weight loss gets very complex very quickly which explains why so many people have difficulty getting their head around why the simple logical mechanical formula fails them. Here I want to look at how decreasing calories within the larger picture of a person can work for as many people as possible through - goals, dieting, portioning (in part 1), food quality and food preparation (in part 2).

Know The Real Goal

Weight loss, dieting set goals, portion controlIt is interesting to stop and think what a multi-billion dollar industry has done with the idea of weight loss.  Losing weight is almost always a means to an end, not the end in itself.  When you see a skinny celebrity promoting the latest diet fad there is the supposed association that you can look like this person, be as success or be a real somebody if you just lose weight, and you should really want this because culturally that is what is important.  The odds of any of that happening are dismal, you are being setup for failure and a sucker for the next celebrity fad. In the end it never feels very good. Something a little less glamorous and dream worthy is when your doctor tells to you need to lose weight. The big difference is the because. A doctor will say you need to lose weight because you need to lower your risk of heart problems, stroke or diabetes. Scary but being alive is definitely better than the alternative. Aside from either of those extremes you could have a desire to be healthy.  The means of losing weight helps you get to your goal of generally feeling better, having more energy, keeping up with the kids, sleeping better, stop snoring, maintain an independent life longer, have more stamina for time with your partner.  These are reasonable life changing goals that you can achieve and will make you feel better about yourself and definitely increase your quality of life and most likely mental health. Having reasonable goals gets you to the next stage of maintaining the weight off. You have gained something you value, your desire to keep it makes it much easier to keep the weight off.


So get to the good stuff, which popular diet works?  Didn't learn that fad diets are usually marketing spin yet.  Alright. A series of impressive studies have been done that look at the effectiveness of different kinds of macronutrient diets, that is, diets that lower or raise fats, carbs and proteins. Guess what, they ALL work at initial weight loss.  Some work better for different groups and that is what gets highlighted by the industry. This begs the question, if they all work what is similar between them all … portioning.


Easy Healthy Weight LossPortion control has come out of the unfortunate desire for people to get a good deal.  Basically you go to a restaurant or buy something in the grocery store, the bigger and cheaper the better. Who can turn down that overflowing plate of your favourite comfort food?  It used to be restaurants and large meals were for celebration times, so you only really feasted a few times a year.  Trends change, now people eat out or buy quick convenience food multiple times a week, and even if it is a healthy choice the amount of calories in the meal can be way too much. Breakfast sandwiches really range between 400 to 1400 calories, and that is not even counting if it has a side and the drink that goes with it. Lunch salads sound healthy but they can be worse than the cheeseburger and fries. The 2 big culprits are the type of meat on top (deep fried vs grilled) and the salad dressing. In many cases the salad dressing can almost double the amount of calories in the salad. Typically they portion about 3 times more in the packet than you need for flavouring, even more if the same packet is used for all sized salads. So only using a third of the packet will make a huge difference in the calories in the portion.


At Lakelands we are very dedicated in utilizing the best quality nutritional science that will work for the most people possible.  We are also experts at high quality meals prepared by our Red Seal Executive Chef. Have a look at our current menus to see how we put ideas into practice.